apple blossom on the Cortland tree
Yes, a new batch of books have been ordered and yes, I continue to take orders and make a nice fat list of who gets a book from the second batch. I haven't heard the ETA of the shipment but suspect it will be about a week.
So I am catching up with the other work of being a subsistence farmer in Appalachia--harvesting herbs, veg, berries and processing all that for the winter.
Also, eating it.
The beautiful kale keeps producing prolifically and I am happy for it. And the big patch of blackberries in the yard has to be picked pretty much every day. Tomorrow I start processing apples--they will be cleaned, peeled, chopped and frozen for hard cider a little later in the season.
Mmmm cider.
And I am booking some book talks here and there. I'm waiting to hear from Malaprop's and Blue Ridge but have a gig at City Lights in Sylva at the end of August. Lots of sweet reviews are flowing in and there may be one in Rapid River, in the August magazine.
I'm already scheming about how to spend some time in the high country, talking to old folks and to practitioners of the kind of work I do. Drinking some strong coffee and setting on the porch. I hope I can make that happen sooner rather than later.
If you are waiting on a book--thank you for your patience. And if you'd like to order a book, well, let me know.
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