I was out of town all last week and have spent the last 36 hours catching up on correspondence and sleep. The little book is having its cover tweaked and I am holding myself in patience.
I don't do that but so well, to be truthful. But I think it's a book worth waiting for and I want it to be as right as it can be.
I am very grateful to my formatter and to my publisher--both of whom are keeping me sane and assuring me it will come out. It really, really will.
Writing a book is a very interesting process. I do a lot of writing, in all sorts of places. But when I started this project, I really wasn't sure I could finish it. I mostly do short pieces, you see, and this was a lot of material to fit between two covers.
The last minute adjusting and rewriting of one of the chapters was an adrenaline rush and it also leaves me with a portion of the book that will feel a little new to me. I think that will be delightful.
There are a couple more manuscripts in my personal pipeline. One is nearly finished--Earth Works: Ceremonies for a Changing Earth. That's its working title. And I'm thinking it would be fun to do a flip book based on my workshop The Joy of Hex: the Nine Levels of Willful Bane. The first half of the book could be that and then you turn it over and there's another book at the back. It would be the opposite--workings on nourishment, self-care and blessing.
I'm partial to the word "wort" for that title.
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